Nothing changes until SOMETHING changes

Nothing changes until SOMETHING changes



Welcome to your life. This is the first time you have lived in October 2021.


In my spiritual teachings, there is an understanding that the world is recursive. There have been thousands of October 1st in the past, in fact every year that I can remember.  And, with it comes the transition to Fall and all it’s beauty.  Yet, as this October 2021 comes around, there seems to be less predictability and familiarity for me and for many in the world.


Big Exhale.


One of my teachers once said “it is what it is so what are you going to do about it YOGI?”  The YOGI at the end is where you get the realization that you have agency over your life. You get to make choices to create the effect that is within your control to create.  Of course, there is so much that is not in our control today and here’s the realization that you already know but may need to remember today: you cannot control so much of what’s out there but you get to control your responses to what happens out there.


To manage what’s inside you, to be able to respond in a healthier way in the world outside of you, it requires the following:


1.     Acknowledge what is in your capacity to change

2.     Let go of what is not in your capacity to change… grasping creates tension

3.     Change what is within your change.

4.     Create the conditions and practices for these to become your new default


So many people walk around this earth wanting change: change in their health and wellness, change in their relationships, change in their jobs, change in climate but do nothing to create the change.  Why? Because it’s easier to go back to sleep (ie, food, drugs, alcohol, watching shows etc) than to feel the discomfort and effort that is required sometimes of change.


Even in a global pandemic (last I checked we were still there), you get to create change. And if you are unwilling to create change, you get to be ok with being in this recursive state next year, and the year after, and the year after.


I grew up hearing the expression: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”  Lets call out the crap on that one.  Your brain is waiting for you to evolve, to create change in your beliefs, your habits, your body. This phenomenon, called neuroplasticity. busts the myth that You Cannot Teach an Old Dog New Tricks.  We are all the “Old dog” and we can all change.  We can create new neural pathways in our brain that allows us to experience the world in a new way.


So here we are. Still in a global pandemic.

We have all experienced immense loss.

We are all craving for community, “normalcy” and healing.




Ask yourself:


What do I want to change in life?

How can I make the world (my little world even) better

What small steps can I take today to lean into that consideration




Nothing Changes until SOMETHING changes


And change is happening all around us so you get to take the reigns of change a little (without holding too tightly) when you consider what, how, and when you want to create change in your life.


Maybe today is the day you change your eating habits

Maybe today is the day you begin that workout or dedicated yoga program

Maybe today is the day that you ask for forgiveness (from self and others)

Maybe today is the day you begin to write your book

Maybe today is the day you put yourself out into the world as the expert you are


Lets seal it in:


Grab a pen and paper and write down :


 “Maybe today is the day I….”


Now go and tell a friend, a family member, write it on your social or send it to me (accountability check)


Then, when you begin to feel life is happening TO you (which it will, again), read your “Maybe Today is the Day…” to remind you that life is happening FOR you when you step into the possibilities that are awaiting even during this time of change.  


Even with all the changes, I’ve been continuing to write and am very excited to announce that my 3rd publication with Ignite Publishing being released Nov 1.  This book is called “Ignite the Hunger in You” and my story is called “Harvest the Gold in the Grief.”  Through this journey of writing, I have made the choices to remain in service, to connect in community, and to ask for help, not because I am weak or can’t do it but because I choose to remain strong and recognize vulnerability as strength.  


As a result, this community is championing together like I’ve never experienced. People from all over North America. All with different stories and stages of life.  Working tirelessly, not for any ONE, but in service of the collective and of our mentor in this book, Les Brown (one of the top motivational speakers in the world today).  This has been an amazing journey of experiencing the Me to WE effort being ignited. One of the reasons is that Les is 77 years old and has been managing cancer for 27 years.  He is Hungry for life and his hunger gets sprinkled into all of us authors in our coaching/mentoring time with him.  We all want to work together to see him publish a Best Seller while here on earth.  


These amazing authors keep me motivated when I feel low.  They inspire me to be better.  They remind me who I want to be when I forget and to change my perspective when it is keeping me dim. If you are looking for change, look around and see who you are spending time with. You become the top 5 people you hang around with.”.   What is that saying about your life?   


Nothing Changes until SOMETHING Changes.


I am happy to share more later about how you can get your hands on my juicy new book.  But, until then:


-       Take a look at your life today

-       Where would you benefit from an upgrade (health, wellness, work, relationships, parenting)

-       What is within your control (and if you are stuck here shoot me an email, it’s hard to see when we have our blinders on)

-       Lean into the change


And enjoy the changes that are happening around you in nature.  I am West this year so the changes are slower and I get to savour them a little longer which is super sweet (and adjusting to rain which is… well… wet – learning to embrace).


I am sending you so much love, gratitude and blessings for health and wellness as you embrace the changes of your life.


Diana xoxo


Diana is Canada’s ONLY realignment coach.  She is a mom, a writer, spiritual teacher, Yogini, Catalyst for Change, business and life coach and gratitude practitioner.  She empowers her clients to awaken to the beauty and potential in their lives with the clear understanding that “Live is happening FOR me”   and we can all Re-align to Thrive™.

For more information or to connect with Diana please visit


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