Be clear what you wish for



This is a true story. I am NOT kidding... one cannot make this shit up:

First, I want to acknowledge my dear friends and family, this year has been hard. 
It's been hard for you and it's been hard for me. And WE MADE IT.

Ready? Here's the SH*#T that cannot be fabricated: 

On Dec. 27, 2019, I posted this: 

Mark Twain said: “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Then I wrote: Personally, I wish to release safety and security for adventure and possibility. 


OH, and my SPIRIT word for 2020 was BELIEVE.  I wrote it in my journal, I had it stamped into a bracelet and I was gifted a BELIEVE wall art  on Jan. 1, 2020 (thank you Rehema).

Fast forward 12 months:

EVERYTHING about 2020 took away my safety and security.  My world as I knew it shattered.


In 4 months: My marriage ended.  My father passed away.  My cat died.  My daughter moved across the country.  I would have to sell my beloved home, my sanctuary, my community would be separated, and all my work would have to pivot big time (just like you).

And the reason I made it is I continued to BELIEVE.  I still believe (from my NY 2020 post and today):

-that the Universe has my back
-that everything happens for the  evolution of my soul
-that there is a divine plan that I am not always privy to but I  have SURRENDERED to it
-that the way through ALL emotions is through it (I believe that more than ever today)

-that I am stronger and more resilient than I even realized
-that Kula (community of the heart) connections are real and I have felt your love in my heart even when we could not be together

-that I'm ok, You're OK, We're OK

-That no dreams are too big and the only job we all have is to live our dreams in our own unique way. 


And now, on the EVE of 2021, I am doing it.

I am throwing away the bowlines, catching the trade winds in my sail,  and sailing away from the safe harbour of EVERYTHING that was comfortable in my life.

My friends and dear community, I WILL be moving to BC very soon in 2021.   

My house is sold... it's happening. I'm going where the mountains meet the ocean and reuniting with my family there. And, a part of my heart is broken that I am leaving all of you.  Still....

I feel the fear- FEEL EXCITED AND READY (mixed with a little "feel everything and run") and I'm doing this.

I'm following my desire for health, calm, rest, nurturance and family (and mountains and ocean). 

One of my teachings from the Tantrik teachings is this: in our life, our problem is not that we have desires (as many yogic traditions would have you believe are wrong), it's that we don't desire ENOUGH.  IF we desired enough ...(whatever your desire is: peace, love, equanimity, adventure, connections, health,  etc.) we would have it. We would figure out a way.  Because everything is figuroutable. Now is the time to figure out a way.  I'm turning up the dial of DESIRE in 2021. And my Manifesto for 2021 is this:

I surrender with Grace and Ease to the delight of my desires and allow the light of abundance to shine on me. 

I have spent most of 2020 nurturing the seeds of this desire, forgiving myself and others, holding my heart and it's needs tenderly,  and learning to fall in love with my new life (and it took a crap load of work to get to that place and continues to be an ongoing journey that is made easier with gratitude).   What I can say is that, today, as I write this, I am OK.  Not only am I ok, I am deeply appreciative that I am having many dreams realized  as I've connected with powerful dreamers all around this globe (the blessings of an  online community that was our default). These dreamers are  helping me make my dreams come true in service of a global mission: to help women and children find their authentic voice/message and fall in love with themselves.

The synergy has been magic. 

So, now, I am curious about your vision for 2021:  

Are you CLEAR about:

  • your intentions

  • what excites you

  • your deepest desires for you, your family and for the world

  •  how to manifest your heart's desires for 2021

And, most critical, are you ready to fall madly in love with your life and with yourself in 2021?  No matter what it brings? With deep gratitude, appreciation and trust? 

Be clear what you wish for.... you just might get it. 

As we say goodbye to 2020, the only way I know how: with grace, gratitude and love, I want to thank each of you for your heart, for your belief, for your way of showing up and for taking care of yourselves when it seemed there was nothing else you could do this year.  I want to thank all of you who showed up to care for others, to teach, to nurse, to cook, to clean, to do whatever you had to do to get through the day.  You ALL made a difference.  I bow to you all. I honour you deeply. I love you unconditionally.

Happy New Year, 

With love, light, gratitude and in deep deep surrender,



Your Golden Presence


Resilience is a Muscle